Monthly Archives: October 2001

October 2001 House Corporation President Update

I’d like to start this month’s update with a collective sigh of relief that our own Brothers from Eta Iota were not directly involved with the tragic events of September 11th. While some of us were closer than others by either being in the air or in the vicinity of the disaster sites, I was relieved to hear that our members are safe and not among the list of victims.

The terrorists’ actions of that tragic day have been both shocking and awakening for all of us as a nation and we are now beginning to feel it’s implications as aviation professionals. With the aviation industry already pounded by a slowing economy, the new regulations and financial crisis facing the industry are sure to bring home unwelcome news for many of us. With a state of emergency declared at most major carriers and over 100,000 layoffs and furloughs expected throughout the industry, I think it’s important to remind our Brothers that you find strength in the arms of our brotherhood. Continue reading